Creating conversation.

This is joined project between “MDD Hva” and “ARCAM” in which want to facilitate the future inhabitants of the newly developed area called “Haven-Stad” with an opportunity to make conversation about their future lifestyle and raise awareness about energy transition. “Informaat” was the consultant agency in this project

Where is Haven-Stad?

The current industrial area between Sloterdijk, the Westerpark and in the north the Cornelis Douwes site and the Noorder IJ-plas. There is room here to build fully-fledged residential and commercial districts of up to 70,000 homes and 58,000 jobs. Here the contours of a city within the city emerge: Port City.

The concept

While it is almost impossible to access the future inhabitants of Haven-Stad accurately - in the time scope of the project /4 weeks - So we focused on similarities of the future inhabitants. One thing every future inhabitant shares with others is that “they all have to move there”. Moving requires packing and I tried to elaborate on this subject by emphasizing that everybody packs their habits as well as personal belongings everywhere

These habits also have different weights and sizes based on their carbon footprint and can disrupt the energy transition cycle.

We gave everyone transparent luggage and recreated the airport environment so the “future inhabitants” can mingle, have a chat about what is everyone packing and hopefully give up some unsustainable habits!

Finally we weigh your habits just as done in the airports with your luggage! and “approve” or “suggest repack” based on the weight of your luggage and how much you are above the sustainable carbon budget.

